Mindfulness is often perceived as a self-centered and introspective technique within modern society’s consumer culture. Yet the epistemological characteristics and implications of mindfulness practice are worth studying from an anthropological
perspective. Looking at mindfulness from the angle of rst-hand engagement in the framework of participant observation and (auto-)ethnography offers some interesting insights into methodologies of modern social research.
The cultivation of an embodied awareness, practices of interactive introspection or the critical deconstruction of ordinary perception are not just part of right mindfulness in early Buddhist literature as well as in the modern contemplative movement but provide the bedrock of reflexivity for a well conducted fieldwork.
The lecture takes place 24th May 2023, 15:15 - 16:45 in a hybrid format (seminar room Goethestr. 28/I, „Alte Geschichte“ and online: uni-graz.zoom.us/my/roomakriegerwill be)