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Archaeologists of the IGS at the "XXe Congrès International d'Archéologie Classique" in Paris

Friday, 07 June 2024

The quinennial "XXe Congrès International d'Archéologie Classique" was an opportunity for the archeologists of the IGS to present their research. A panel organised by Lukas Jung and Katharina Rieger on "Taking Places - Making Spaces: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Architecture as Lived Space and its Role in Past Mediterranean Communities" was accepted and offered a frame for the various PhD projects related to the function of architecture and built spaces in the Mediterranean antiquity.   Elizaveta Boiko spoke about "Originality and Irritation in religious architecture of Classical times - the Temple of Zeus at Acragas", Lukas Jung presented a new interpretation for the so-called "„Kaisersaal“ – the Production of a Representational Space in the Context of Greek Agonistic Culture (case study Side in Pamphylia)". Veronika Kolomaznik looked at the "The Phallephoria in Delos as a Collective Space of Experience" and Florian Oppitz asked "How to Prove Charity in Atriums and Porticoes? Interdisciplinary Methods and Considerations". Two more speakers, Aurélie Terrier, Geneve, looked at the long durée of temple buildings with a paper entitled "Le temple après le temple: occupation et réoccupation des espaces sacrés en Égypte antique - le cas de Kom Ombo" and Therese Emanuelsson-Paulson introduced with a paper on "Walking around posts or columns in the sanctuary" the not only statical functions of columns in Greek architecture.
The audience engaged in discussion and had also useful remarks for the projects of the IGS researchers.
Katharina Rieger had a paper in a session on " Urban Religion through the Lens of Urban Archaeology" (organised R. Raja/J. Rüpke) dealing with "Urban religion trickling through – sacred places in Umbria as cases for the intertwined layers of urban and beyond-the-urban religion in Roman Italy".
Before and after this successful panel the group of the IGS could not only enjoy the sessions of the conference and meet people, but also make use of the many offers by the conference organisers to visit museums in Paris.


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